
Saturday, August 20, 2011


The toolbar contains buttons for controlling the execution of your test cases, including a step feature for debugging your test cases. The right-most button, the one with the red-dot, is the record button.

 Speed Control: controls how fast your test case runs

Run All: Runs the entire test suite when a test suite with multiple test cases is loaded.

 Run: Runs the currently selected test. When only a single test is loaded this button and the              Run All button have the same effect.

Pause/Resume: Allows stopping and re-starting of a running test case.

Step: Allows you to “step” through a test case by running it one command at a time. Use for debugging test cases

Apply Rollup Rules: This advanced feature allows repetitive sequences of Selenium commands to be grouped into a single action. Detailed documentation on rollup rules can be found in the UI-Element       Documentation on the Help menu.

Record: Records the user’s browser actions

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